Transition Marker Between 5 and 6

Narrative for Transition Marker between sites 5 and 6

by Pastor Merlin Knowles

The Sabbath was not the only issue between God and His people but historically it does provide a good barometer or indicator of their spiritual health. As we trace the Sabbath throughout history, we can see that when God's people loved Him and kept the Sabbath holy, they were growing in other areas of their life as well. On the other hand, when they were in rebellion, they ignored the Sabbath, trampled on it, or tried to avoid it altogether.





For the next several centuries, the attitudes and actions of God's people regarding Sabbathkeeping provides an accurate indicator of their relationship to God. Generally, the nation followed the example of their leader...either toward a closer walk with God or into Idolatry and Paganism.



En los siguientes siglos, las actitudes y las acciones contra la gente de Dios guardadora del sábado, provee un indicador exacto de su rebelión contra Dios. Generalmente la nación seguía el ejemplo de su líder... o este los acercaba mas a Dios, o los inducía a la idolatría y al paganismo.



Para os próximos séculos, as atitudes e ações do povo de Deus, considerando a guarda do Sábado, provêem um exato indicador do relacionamento deles para com Deus. Geralmente, a nação seguia o exemplo de seus líderes… ou no sentido de andar próximo de Deus ou na idolatria e paganismo.