The Sabbath Restored Part 4 Site 12

Narrative for Site 12 on the Sabbath Trail

by Pastor Merlin Knowles

During His ministry on the Earth, Jesus especially sought out those that were considered society's second-class citizens. In Christ's third Sabbath miracle, he healed Peter's wife's mother. As a woman, she was one of these second-class people. She was, no doubt, totally dependent upon Peter for housing and sustenance. By healing this woman, Jesus linked the Sabbath to the extreme value He places on each individual -- regardless of their station in life. From society's perspective, she was "just a woman" and "just a servant", but from Jesus' perspective she was a daughter of the King.

On another Sabbath, as the disciples plucked and ate grain while passing through a field, Jesus restored the proper relation between humankind and the Sabbath. To some, the Sabbath had become an idol. They had in essence, placed the Sabbath on a higher level than those it was meant to serve. Jesus corrected this misuse of the Sabbath and restored it as God's gift for their uplift and benefit. In other words, people were to serve God, while the Sabbath was to serve people.


The Sabbath Restored - Part 4

Christ's healing of "a great fever" on Sabbath demonstrated the high value which God places on each person. The miracle resulted in a time of joy and service. On another Sabbath as Jesus walked through a cornfield, He showed that people's physical needs are guaranteed, not restricted by proper Sabbath keeping and that works to redeem others are given higher priority not less. Jesus claimed the Sabbath as the Lord's day, declaring His authority to expose practices that pervert its purpose. Lk. 4:38-44, Matt. 12:1-8, Mk. 2:23-28


El Sábado Restaurado - Parte 4

Al sanar Cristo una fiebre en sábado, demostró el alto valor que Dios puso en cada persona. El milagro resultó en un tiempo de alegría y servicio. Otro sábado cuando Jesús caminaba por un trigal, Él enseño que las necesidades físicas de la gente son garantizadas, no restringidas por guardar el sábado apropiadamente y que trabajar para redimir a otros es una prioridad de más alta valor. Jesús clamó el sábado como el día del Señor, declarando su autoridad sobre este, y así puso en claro las prácticas que pervertían su propósito original. Lucas 4:38-44, Mateo 12:1-8, Marcos 2:23-28



O Sábado Restaurado - Parte 4

Cristo curando alguém de uma grande febre no Sábado demonstra o alto valor que Deus colocou em cada pessoa. O milagre resultou em um tempo de alegria e adoração. Em outro Sábado, como Jesus andou pela plantação de milho, Ele mostrou que as necessidades físicas das pessoas são garantidas. Ele não restringiu a observação do Sábado e que atos para salvar os outros têm elevada prioridade. Lucas 4:38-44; Mateus 12:1-8 e Marcos 2:23-28