The essence of the Sabbath is really about a loving relationship with, and an attitude of worship toward our Creator and Redeemer. It is about being "in Christ" -- dependent on Him for every breath we breathe, every heartbeat we experience, and for being saved by His grace. According to the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation pointing to the time just before Christ's return, society and even religion will join to coerce God's children to go against God and His Word. Laws will be enacted which will endeavor to command false worship. A death decree will be put in place to force compliance with state and church dogmas. Man's ideas and ways will be substituted in place of God's clear word under the guise of defending the interests of Heaven.
The Sabbath in the Near Future
As in the past, a crisis is coming relative to Sabbathkeeping. Revelation 14 describes a time just before Christ's Advent of great turmoil. Eternal choices will have to be made regarding what each person will do with Jesus Christ, the promptings of the Holy Spirit, worship of God and loyalty to Him. As matters are defined in this final interval, the authenticity of one's relationship to the saving work of Christ will play itself out on the backdrop of the Sabbath. Dan. 2, 7-9, Rev. 12-14
El Sábado en un Futuro Cercano
Como en el pasado, una crisis vino a los guardadores del sábado. Apocalipsis 14 describe un tiempo de gran tumulto antes de la venida de Cristo. Elecciones eternales tales como la disposición a la influencia del Espíritu Santo, la comunicación con Dios y la lealtad a Él, deberían de ser tomadas en cuenta por cada persona al recibir a Cristo. Así como los asuntos son definidos en un intervalo final, la autencidad de nuestra propia relación para preservar el trabajo de Cristo trabajará de la misma manera al mostrar lealtad al sábado. Daniel 2, 7-9, Apocalipsis 12-14
O Sábado no Futuro Próximo
Como no passado, a crise está vindo para a guarda do Sábado. Apocalipse descreve um tempo de grande tribulação exatamente antes da volta de Cristo. Escolhas eternas terão sido feitas com relação a Jesus Cristo, ao despertar pelo Espírito Santo, `a adoração a Deus e `a lealdade para com Ele. Como os assuntos são definidos neste intervalo final, o autêntico relacionamento de cada um com o trabalho de Cristo será definido `a luz do Sábado. Daniel 2, 7-9 e Apocalipse 12-14