Sabbath - Eden to Exodus Site 2

Narrative for Site 2 on the Sabbath Trail 

by Pastor Merlin Knowles

As we trace the history of the Sabbath from the Garden of Eden to the Exodus from Egypt, all of the great patriarchs kept the Sabbath. Some years after they came to Egypt, however, Jacob's descendants were enslaved by the Egyptians. In the rigor of forced labor and the cruel taskmaster's whip, the significance of the Sabbath was almost obliterated. One of the interesting evidences of this is seen in Exodus chapter 5, verse 5. In this particular section, Pharaoh accuses Moses of causing the people to rest. Now on the surface it may seem like the rest referred to is just any old rest, but as you look back in the Hebrew language, there are different words used that are translated 'rest' in English. In this verse is the first time that this particular Hebrew word Shabbot is used. It is a form of the word that is translated Sabbath later on, and thus shows that the Sabbath was important before the 10 commandments were given. Moses was calling for Sabbath reform. He was encouraging the people to stand up for God and as they did so, Pharaoh became very angry. Pharaoh then defied God by becoming more ruthless against God's people. Certainly there is significance in the statement by God to "remember" the Sabbath, because of the fact that so many had forgotten his special rest day.





Sabbath--Eden to the Exodus

The Sabbath was kept by God's people until they went into Egypt. During their slavery in Egypt, they were forced by their masters to violate the Sabbath. To a great extent, they lost the knowledge of its sacredness. A revival in Sabbath keeping resulted in Pharaoh accusing them of 'resting' -- {sabbathing}. God said 'Remember' because so many had forgotten His rest day. Exodus 5:1-5; 20:8



El Sábado - Del Edén al Éxodo

El sábado fue guardado por la gente de Dios hasta que se fueron a Egipto. Durante su esclavitud en Egipto, fueron forzados por sus amos a violar el sábado, hasta cierto punto, perdieron el conocimiento de su consagración y santidad. Un reavivamiento en guardar el sábado resultó en el pueblo hebreo y el Faraón los acuso de descansar -- (sabatinos). Dios dijo 'Recuerda' porque muchos habían olvidado Su día de reposo. Éxodos 5:1-5; 20:8



Sábado: Do Éden até o Êxodo

O Sábado foi guardado pelo povo de Deus até eles entrarem no Egito. Durante o período de escravidão, eles foram obrigados pelos governantes a violarem o Sábado. Em grande número, eles perderam o conhecimento da santidade do Sábado. Um reavivamento nos guardadores do Sábado levou faraó a acusá-los de preguiçosos. (descansando no Sábado). Disse Deus: “Lembre-se” porque muitos tinham esquecido do Seu dia de descanso. Êxodo 5:1; 20:8